Member-only story
Get Ready — More Tax Cuts for Morbidly Rich Are Coming
For at least the past hundred years, the republican party’s singular agenda has been cutting taxes for the wealthy, well-connected, and corporations. Just about every so-called “policy” the party supports is subterfuge for this objective.
Cutting regulations?
Tax cuts.
Reducing government agencies and its workforce?
Tax cuts.
Privatizing Medicare?
Vote suppression?
Money in politics?
Subsidies to polluting industries?
Yup, tax cuts.
Even anti-union “Right to Work” laws like Taft-Hartley and the Supreme Court’s 2018 Janus v. American Federal of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) decision; and anti-choice positions on reproductive health, are distractions to shift our focus away from tax cuts.
So-called “school choice” initiatives are another, and part of a decades-long plot to destroy public education to return us to a feudal system of lords and serfs.
Opposition to minimum wage laws, worker safety protections, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), tuition-free higher education, universal health care.